Wednesday, February 17, 2010

James Cameron and Celine Dion are taking over the world...

This guy is everywhere it seems. Not only did he just put out another mega blockbuster with Avatar, but his one before that, Titanic, is still just as a alive as ever...

Also, Celine Dion gets thrown into these references, so its not just Cameron, but the two together that get so often mentioned, thus inspiring this rant.

I had three classes in a row yesterday, in three different genres of study, and had all three teachers in some way or another mention the film Titanic.

In TCF, Dr. R mentioned how the score of Titanic with Celine Dion belting as the ship sinks would have sucked without that...

Then, in Stress Management, we were practicing mediatation methods and the professor says "just imagine Celine Dion singing the song from Titanic as you monitor your breathing"... I immediately notice this as the second Titanic/Celine reference and think, "what the fuck is up with this?"

THEN, in my next class, AMS 300: the histpry of popular music, I fully expected to hear a celine/titanic reference because we have a book we are reading about this canadian dude trying to figure out the worlds obbsession with Dion and why he hates her.... and sure enough, within the first 5 minutes the teacher is comparing some 1930s broadway lyics by Hammerstein to "my heart will go on" and i knew it had happened:

Celine Dion and James Cameron had officially taken over the world as we know it.
-End Rant-

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