Monday, January 25, 2010

Media Diet

So, after tracking my media diet over the last few days I have realized I use a good bit of different media's throughout my everyday meandering. What was most striking is the almost habitual routine I followed during the course of a day... it seemed I would listen to my IPOD, go to class, IPOD, class, IPOD, computer, sleep-- or something like that.

This exercise has shown me that in today's age, media usage is done constantly thoughout a day both conciously and subconsciously. We has humans have come to the point that we literally cannot function normally without a phone or computer right next to us at all times. Media is the new frontier of the human lifestlyle and we can either fight it or go with the flow and embrace our advances in the field and use them to our advantage both career-wise and liesually.

Here is an excerpt from one of my days:
10:45-11AM: Walked to class listening to my IPOD (Frank Zappa)
11AM-12:15PM: Sat in class as the teacher used powerpoint to lecture us.
12:15-12:30PM: Walked to class with IPOd (MMW and the White Stripes)
12:30-1:45PM: Sat in class as the teacher used powerpoint, teacher played Celine Dion and Elliot Smith in class for us to break down the song, and I updated my fbook status to promote the film "Moon" which played at the Bama Theater last week.
1:45-2PM: Walked to work listening to IPOD (Radiohead this time)
2-4:45PM: At work, where I am a computer technician so I am constantly using a computer. Also checked email, fbook, and blog. Also read out of different books for class. Enjoyed some youtube time and then I went home.

So, as you can see, media was a constant character in my daily life. Without it, I would be seemingly completely lost in the world. I believe this new media wave is just the beginning and the future is so bright, that well, you better wear some shades.

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